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Buying From Contracts

Buying from Contracts at WVC is easy, and saves time and money. To learn more about the wide variety of Contracts available to WVC campus, and how to use the WVC Contracts Search tool, click on:


WVC Contracts Search contains a number of statewide managed contracts, but there are additional contracts available from other sources that are not stored in the Contracts Search. If you cannot find the contract you need, reach out to

Contracts Save You Time and Money

Using a contract saves time and money because Contracts are the easiest way to buy, provide the best overall value to the college, and can be used at ANY dollar amount* unless otherwise noted. Benefits to using Contracts include:

  • No sole source requirements
  • No competitive bid requirements
  • Pre-negotiated terms and conditions
  • Contract sales reps can provide assistance with:
    • Product selection
    • Installation
    • Training
    • Returns

*Direct buy limits still apply on Business Processing Outsourcing and Non-catalog orders regardless of whether a contract is used.

What Contracts are available?

The College has Contracts listed in the WVC Contracts Search for many goods and services. Not every contract available to the WVC is shown in the Contracts Search, so if you cannot find what you need please email


Signing Policy

The College is subject to multiple sets of procurement rules and regulations.

Important: WVC Academic departments, regardless of employees’ title, do not have the delegated authority to execute any instrument related to the acquisition of goods and services.

Signing a supplier's document for goods or services without signature authority can subject an employee to personal liability.

It is College procedure NOT to sign supplier documents as the College's terms and conditions take precedence over the Supplier's terms. If you have a Supplier asking for a signature on a document, forward the request to via as an attachment to your Requisition/Contract Request. The Procurement Services Contracting Team will review the document for compliance with the WVC terms and conditions and determine whether or not it is appropriate to sign or if terms need to be negotiated.

Note: Before submitting a supplier's document for review, please review the document to ensure the goods and or services addressed meet your needs.

How to Submit a Contract to be Reviewed by Purchasing

Attach the contract to the requisition and have the budget authority sign the requisition. Next, forward the to the Then, this will automatically be routed to the Vice President of Administration to sign the contract and the requisition.